Fi20100: Toothbrush macro
Fi20100: Fork Macro
Fi20100: Knife & Fork Macro
Fi20100: Apple Command Key
Fi20100: Macbook Pro Speaker Grill
Fi20100: Black Peppercorn Macro
Fi20100: Black Peppercorns Macro
Fi20100: Toothpicks (or actually cocktail picks)
Fi20100: Spider Macro
Fi20100: Flower Macro - Forget-Me-Not
Fi20100: Flower Macro - Forget-Me-Not
Fi20100: Simplistic - Maple tree in bloom
Fi20100: Wood Anemone Macro
Fi20100: Calla lily leaf macro
Fi20100: Calla lily leaf macro
Fi20100: Apple sees you
Fi20100: Time to play
Fi20100: D F G - Macbook Pro Keyboard close-up
Fi20100: Flower fireworks
Fi20100: Don't sting the photographer
Fi20100: Macro
Fi20100: Flower macro
Fi20100: Hibiscus macro
Fi20100: Sunday morning coffee...
Fi20100: Fork in DOF mist
Fi20100: Colors of Nigiri
Fi20100: The eye of the camera
Fi20100: Tissot macro
Fi20100: Tissot macro (2)