chantal lefebvre: me and mr skeleton
chantal lefebvre: old squaw hen
chantal lefebvre: old squaw hen
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1404.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1406.JPG
chantal lefebvre: it might fall apart
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1411.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1421.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1420.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1419.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_1418.JPG
chantal lefebvre: skull project process
chantal lefebvre: STB_1674.JPG
chantal lefebvre: book jacket - lolita
chantal lefebvre: natural disaster magazine spread
chantal lefebvre: final life drawing painting - "it is what it is"
chantal lefebvre: IMG_2009.JPG
chantal lefebvre: final stages of my painting
chantal lefebvre: IMG_2011.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_2012.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_2013.JPG
chantal lefebvre: IMG_2014.JPG