Chantal Jacques Photography:
Only a bit of duvet left! Spotted Sandpiper (Juvenile)
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Hooded Merganser (Hen)
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Three amigos - Ring necked Ducks
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Hooded Merganser - Brylcreem Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
PIed-billed Grebe
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Cruising by - Hooded Merganser
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Greater Yellowlegs
Chantal Jacques Photography:
... and more of the Least Sandpiper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
More of the Least Sandpiper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Least Sandpiper Duet
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Western Sandpiper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
In a better Mood?- Great Blue Heron
Chantal Jacques Photography:
The Saturday Line-up - Black-necked Stilts
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir - Greater Yellowlegs on the Catwalk
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir - Feeding Frenzy
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir - Canada Geese Duet
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Great Blue Heron
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Hooded Merganser
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir-American Coot
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Great Blue Heron
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- American Coot on the Catwalk
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Great Blue Heron
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Hooded Merganser and fish
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Greater Yellowlegs
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Canada Goose
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Mirror Mirror- Miroir-Miroir- Pied-Billed Grebe