Chantal Jacques Photography: As the night is falling- Great Gray Owl Hunting ....for real
Chantal Jacques Photography: All I want for Christmas - A little Flower Power Pika
Chantal Jacques Photography: Retrospective 2017 - My little devil
Chantal Jacques Photography: Birding Calgary - American Avocet
Chantal Jacques Photography: Birding Calgary - White Pelicans
Chantal Jacques Photography: Birding Calgary - Black-necked stilt
Chantal Jacques Photography: Birding Calgary- Lesser or Greater Yellowlegs
Chantal Jacques Photography: Birding Calgary- Avocet with flying colours
Chantal Jacques Photography: The challenging Black Tern
Chantal Jacques Photography: Last Ray of Light- Great Gray Owl
Chantal Jacques Photography: American Avocet in Flight
Chantal Jacques Photography: First Light - Franklin's Gull
Chantal Jacques Photography: Lost in Time and Space- Wilson's Phalarope
Chantal Jacques Photography: Still... in a High-Key Mood - Wilson's Phalarope Female
Chantal Jacques Photography: In a High-Key Mood- Wilson's Phalarope
Chantal Jacques Photography: In a High-Key Mood- Willet
Chantal Jacques Photography: On your mark... ! - American Avocet
Chantal Jacques Photography: Simon says... Jump - American Avocet
Chantal Jacques Photography: In a birdscape mood - Singing Western Meadowlark
Chantal Jacques Photography: In a birdscape mood- Savannah Sparrow
Chantal Jacques Photography: Common Snipe with a Common look
Chantal Jacques Photography: A Worm day for a Brewer's Blackbird
Chantal Jacques Photography: Marbled Godwit with a messy beak
Chantal Jacques Photography: Alberta Celebrities - Common Loon
Chantal Jacques Photography: Alberta Celebrities- Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Chantal Jacques Photography: Alberta Celebrities - Clay-Coloured Sparrow
Chantal Jacques Photography: Sheltered from the Wind - Meadowlark
Chantal Jacques Photography: Little Souvenir from Alberta