Chantal Jacques Photography:
Black Oystercatcher at sunset
Chantal Jacques Photography:
They are back - American Dipper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Cedar Waxwing at Sunset - BIrdscape Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Barn Swallow Flying Solo - Birdscape Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Barn Swallows - Birdscape Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Common Yellowthroat (female)
Chantal Jacques Photography:
American Wigeon - Birdscape Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Vancouver Island Winter Scene
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Northern Shoveler
Chantal Jacques Photography:
American Goldfinch
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Rufous Hummingbird
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Secret Garden- Bluethroat
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Foggy Morning -Ruddy Turnstone
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Still in a birdscape mood - Northern Mockingbird
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Still In a birdscape Mood - Dark-eyed Junco
Chantal Jacques Photography:
In a birdscape Mood - Rufous Hummingbird
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Out of the shadow- Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Chipping Sparrow
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Secret Garden - Juvenile Chipping Sparrow
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Secret Garden - Savannah Sparrow Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Marbled Godwit in Flight
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Happy Fence Friday (HFF) - Marbled Godwit Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Go with the Flow - Dunlin Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Song Sparrow with messy beak
Chantal Jacques Photography:
White-crowned Sparrow
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Common Merganser Stretching -Birdscape Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Early Morning Hunt - Snowy Egret Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Black-necked Stilt on a mission
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Silent night - Oh nuit de paix