Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail in flight
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail Landing
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail in Flight
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail Landing
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail Landing
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Pintail Flying - Esquimalt Lagoon
Chantal Jacques Photography: Out of the shadow- Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography: Dripping Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography: Retrospective 2017 - Never enough of Northern Pintail
Chantal Jacques Photography: Pump it up- Wood duck Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Turkey Vulture Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Pilgrimage to Tofino- Spread your wings- Whimbrel Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Marbled Godwit Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Oystercatcher Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Glowing in the dark- Wood duck style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- American Coot Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: American wigeon with flying colors
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Northern Pintail style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Snow Bunting Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your Wings - Hooded Merganser Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Brrrrr! Cold Water
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings Wood duck Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: The great escape!
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings, Red-throated loon style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- American Wigeon Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings- Long-tailed duck style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spread your wings! Artic Tern Syle
Chantal Jacques Photography: Wilson's Phalarope Arabesque (male), Saskatchewan, Reposted