Chantal Jacques Photography:
Another one from the Miniature World - Female Blue Dasher
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Pacific Tree Frog
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Chantal Jacques Photography:
How sweet it is...
Chantal Jacques Photography:
American Bushtit- Mésange buissonnière-Psaltriparus minimus
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Tamia-Suisse-Chipmunk-Écureuil d'amérique du nord
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Golden-crowned Kinglet-Regulus satrapa-Roitelet à couronne dorée
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Blue-eyed darner
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Tiny Feet for Macro Monday?
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Pilgrimage to Tofino- Rufous Hummingbird
Chantal Jacques Photography:
The little one - Bushtit