Chantal Jacques Photography: Horned Puffin, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Tufted Puffin in flight, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Parakeet Auklet Pair, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Snow Bunting, St Paul Island, Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Lapland Longspur, St PAul Island, Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Young Artic Foxes (Blue Subspecies) St Paul Island, Alaska coming out of the den
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fulmar, St Paul Island, Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal, St Paul Island Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Red-faced Cormorant, St Paul Island, Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Thick-billed Mure, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Sandpiper, St Paul Island Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Sandpiper, St Paul Island Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Sandpiper, St Paul Island Alaska
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal, St Paul Island
Chantal Jacques Photography: Nah, Just kidding! I can't sing!
Chantal Jacques Photography: The adventurous one
Chantal Jacques Photography: Red legged kittiwake - Mouette des brumes
Chantal Jacques Photography: Red legged kittiwake - Mouette des brumes
Chantal Jacques Photography: Black-legged Kittiwake- Mouette Tridactyle
Chantal Jacques Photography: Black-legged Kittiwake- Mouette Tridactyle
Chantal Jacques Photography: Pacific Wren/Winter Wren, Pribilof Subspecies
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal 4
Chantal Jacques Photography: Northern Fur Seal 3