Chantal 04: Crocodile Gena & Gheburáshka
Chantal 04: Invitation for Tea - Julia Babyshkina
Chantal 04: Winnie the Pooh - Russian Cartoon
Chantal 04: Russian Winnie Pooh
Chantal 04: Winnie the Pooh - Russia
Chantal 04: Winnie-the Pooh (1961-1972)
Chantal 04: Winnie-the Pooh (1961-1972)
Chantal 04: Winnie-the Pooh (1961-1972)
Chantal 04: Monkey from Winnie the Pooh - Russia
Chantal 04: Cartoon "I'll get you!"
Chantal 04: Cartoon "I'll get you!" - Russia
Chantal 04: Nu, pogodi! (Soviet/Russian animated series)
Chantal 04: Cartoon "I'll get you!"
Chantal 04: Cartoon "I'll get you!"
Chantal 04: "The Three from Prostokvashino"
Chantal 04: Hare in Love
Chantal 04: Russian fairy tale - Repka
Chantal 04: Cartoon "Vovka in who-knows-what Kingdom", 1965
Chantal 04: Beautiful and well-mannered - Inna Petrashkevich