Please know there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or self-conscious. we are all full of shit. go love someone just because,I know your heart may be badly bruised...
"I've learned what people will forget what you say,people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel..."
And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through,how you managed to survive.You won't even be sure,in fact,whether the storm is really over.But one thing is certain..
Know often the greatest joy comes from going through tough times and growing into a stronger & better you.. There's truly nothing more fulfilling and thrilling than finding yourself to be stronger & better than you dreamed possible...
True Friendship Isn't about Being Inseparable, It's Being Separated & Nothing Changes.. ♥
There is nothing more beautiful than a person whose heart has been broken, but still believes in love..
I hope you live a life you are proud of, and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again...
Grateful for faith,For it pulls us along when we are ready to give up; it pushes us when we feel weary; and it guides us when we cannot see the light...
Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run, but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant...
Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you...
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world..