Changelyng: On zee Maria Island ferry
Changelyng: WATER
Changelyng: Darlington
Changelyng: Antony caught vaguing out.
Changelyng: Walk from pier into Darlington. Bonus Antony's noggin.
Changelyng: Cape Baron geese at Darlington
Changelyng: Some random ruins
Changelyng: Maria Island
Changelyng: Antony and his mates Bishop and Clerk.
Changelyng: Bishop and Clerk.
Changelyng: Maria Island
Changelyng: Tim and Antony near the Fossil Cliffs.
Changelyng: Fossil Cliffs looking towards Ile du Nord.
Changelyng: Fossil Cliffs looking at the Ile du Nord.
Changelyng: Maria Island
Changelyng: Hiking out from Darlington
Changelyng: Some bloody creek
Changelyng: Antony and Tim taking photos at Painted Cliffs
Changelyng: Painted Cliffs
Changelyng: Antony searching for crabs at the Painted Cliffs
Changelyng: Antony negotiating the creek
Changelyng: A colourful creek near Frenchs Farm.
Changelyng: Chinamens Bay
Changelyng: Ocean Beach
Changelyng: Almighty Bob in the clouds.
Changelyng: One of those Bob cloud moments.
Changelyng: Clouds 'n sun 'n water 'n shit.
Changelyng: Walking back after whisky times
Changelyng: Maria Island
Changelyng: Checking out the facilities at Encampment Bay