Changelyng: Driving along the Rhine
Changelyng: Thai Thai restaurant in Koblenz
Changelyng: Delicious chips
Changelyng: Burg Eltz plus dog
Changelyng: Stupid clouds ruining a perfectly good photo
Changelyng: Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Wall of Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Ha! One of those hilarious photos of someone taking a photo of you after they found the toilet!
Changelyng: Inside the courtyard of Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Inside the courtyard of Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Antony eating some sausage
Changelyng: Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Burg Eltz
Changelyng: Driving to Stuttgart
Changelyng: Germany - Stuttgart - drinking
Changelyng: Mojitos around the world. That should be my new blog
Changelyng: Best photo of Antony ever.
Changelyng: I thought I had a growth on my ear but it turns out it's my giant pug-face ring.
Changelyng: I can't work out whether I'm happy or in pain in this photo
Changelyng: I really have no idea what is going on here
Changelyng: Antony being blurry after a couple of vodkas in Stuttgart
Changelyng: Antony requiring some ubergrossen jeans after a having too many tourist treats
Changelyng: Not bad for a photo taken from a moving vehicle
Changelyng: Is nice lake and alps and clouds
Changelyng: So ugly! Another photo taken from a moving car
Changelyng: Alps! I can't remember whether this is in Austria or not
Changelyng: Linderhof Park
Changelyng: Linderhof 1
Changelyng: Linderhof featuring the attractive tourist cattle pens