Changelyng: Antony taking photos at Campbell Town
Changelyng: Creek or river or something at Campbell Town
Changelyng: Antony taking pictures
Changelyng: Me mate Dave
Changelyng: Me mate Dave again
Changelyng: Dave's back bone and ribs and shit
Changelyng: You can not imagine the stench
Changelyng: I took a likin' to the lichen
Changelyng: Very windy and but sunny and good
Changelyng: Narawntapu National Park
Changelyng: Dad and Sandra
Changelyng: Antony posing again
Changelyng: You know, rocks and water
Changelyng: There are only so many of these photos you can take
Changelyng: SAM_0505
Changelyng: Likin' the lichen again
Changelyng: Dad and Sandra on rocks
Changelyng: Antony taking photos again
Changelyng: Antony AGAIN.
Changelyng: If this spider web had remained still this would have been an awesome shot
Changelyng: From the lookout over Badger Head
Changelyng: Lookout at Badger Head
Changelyng: Lazy beams
Changelyng: I feel happy
Changelyng: Putting up the marquee
Changelyng: Dickie the dog
Changelyng: My old 1969 MG Midget
Changelyng: Camping
Changelyng: Antony in the Midget