José Delamano García: Colias croceus (12)
kaising_fung: Youngling
conall..: another 2 awkward collies picture
Matts__Pics: First bird of the year
bobmullen777: turkey vulture dinner 12-23--2024
neilhilton65: Crested Tit
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Tree Sparrow
Rezamink: Dingy Skipper (Erynnis tages)
stan sutton: White-faced Heron IMG 4263
Patrick HIBLOT: Meilleurs voeux 2025 ✨
4017amara: Stenocotini sp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
pkwebb70: Happy New Year
UVO_eber: Parasitoid wasp (Braconidae)
Ioannis Ks: Orangutan
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_2671
Louise St-Maurice: Renard roux
creaturesnapper: Periphoba augur
debbiemeader: Short-eared Owl!! (Explored 12/31/2024)
lcolquitt997: Red-shoulder Hawk Fishing The Canal
lcolquitt997: My Life Looks Peaceful But It's Not
neilhilton65: Golden Eagle (female)
flower photo fanatic: myFaveOrchidForPhyllis
bobmullen777: Dark-eyed Junco 12-23-2024
micro60: European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
wjpostma: Mandarins in the wild
creaturesnapper: Tropical Orb-weaver --- Eriophora ravilla
creaturesnapper: Hemerophila albertiana
suttonedward242: Brian Epstein
neilhilton65: Iberian Green Woodpecker
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Fly past at Welney WWT