Chan, Danny: Gardener
Chan, Danny: 渠王 小睡 Drainer
Chan, Danny: Somebody Suicide
Chan, Danny: A Knight & a Guardian
Chan, Danny: Officers & the Big Ben
Chan, Danny: Life is all about Balance
Chan, Danny: Spot !
Chan, Danny: Ecstasy
Chan, Danny: A Busy Yankee
Chan, Danny: Jazz Saxophonist
Chan, Danny: Smile in Motion
Chan, Danny: Master of "Three of Kind"
Chan, Danny: Give Me Five !
Chan, Danny: Mobile Mover
Chan, Danny: Wet the Catoon Box
Chan, Danny: An Independent Traveler Walks above 25 Feet High (25呎高空的自由行)
Chan, Danny: Don't Move, Drop your Gun!
Chan, Danny: Oriental Spiderman in Action
Chan, Danny: 70 kmph Working Environment
Chan, Danny: Hired Thug
Chan, Danny: Shrimp Paste Makers (1989)
Chan, Danny: Easier to climb up, than to just hang on. — Ronald Harwood
Chan, Danny: Rule of Thirds
Chan, Danny: If I were Liu Xiang
Chan, Danny: Live life, there's no take two!
Chan, Danny: Live for Life