champane: groom and best man
champane: best man, me and the groom
champane: the groom and his best man
champane: best man,dell and the groom
champane: kazzy and dan
champane: kazzy and dan #2
champane: 4 beautiful ladies
champane: dave and his girls #1
champane: dave and his girls #2
champane: dave and mum
champane: dave ,mum and girls
champane: kazzy and jig
champane: dave and kazzy
champane: the new mrs andrews
champane: dave signing the book
champane: you signed it in the wrong place derrrrrrr lol
champane: jumbo signing away his b***h lol
champane: mr and mrs
champane: i wonder what they are thinking lol
champane: kazzy and dan #3
champane: yes you are now mr and mrs
champane: opsssssss who is mrs andrews
champane: you are to late sparkler shes got him now
champane: last minute row ???
champane: kiss from best man
champane: er dont know what these 2 are doing lol
champane: DSCF8309
champane: DSCF8310
champane: DSCF8311
champane: emm and girls