chrishammond: Paris in Las Vegas
chrishammond: Strohl being a Tourist
chrishammond: Paris in Las Vegas
chrishammond: The Bellagio
chrishammond: Will Strohl and Kim Rausch in front of City center
chrishammond: Will Strohl and Kim Rausch in front of City center
chrishammond: New York New York
chrishammond: Silly tourists
chrishammond: New York New York
chrishammond: Will Strohl
chrishammond: Training Session room
chrishammond: IMG_7200
chrishammond: IMG_7201
chrishammond: IMG_7202
chrishammond: IMG_7203
chrishammond: IMG_7204
chrishammond: IMG_7205
chrishammond: Paul Scarlett
chrishammond: Bill Walker
chrishammond: Rob and Cathal
chrishammond: Cathal, the irishman
chrishammond: Matt and Donna
chrishammond: Paul Scarlett
chrishammond: Jo-Lynn Walker and Monica Walker
chrishammond: Ian Robinson
chrishammond: Amy Casey
chrishammond: Bill and Monica Walker
chrishammond: Bill, Monica, Jo-Lynn and Scott
chrishammond: Monica Walker
chrishammond: Gavin from Microsoft