chrishammond: Joe Brinkman at DNNCorp HQ
chrishammond: The DNR_Roadtrip Machine
chrishammond: Carl Franklin
chrishammond: IMG_2230
chrishammond: The crowd
chrishammond: "You want to know what's in the box don't you?"
chrishammond: Richard and Carl
chrishammond: Carl Franklin
chrishammond: Carl Franklin and Silverlight
chrishammond: Richard and Carl
chrishammond: Richard and Carl
chrishammond: Step into my ride
chrishammond: Carl getting ready for some fun!
chrishammond: Really @jbrinkman won ANOTHER tv. #dnr_roadtrip won one from @powerdnn last November
chrishammond: .net rocks road show on stage #dnr_roadshow
chrishammond: The #dnr_roadshow RV is pimp!