chrishammond: Launch Pad from 11 Miles Out #STS130
chrishammond: STS-130 Space Shuttle Launch
chrishammond: Long Exposure of STS-130 Shuttle Launch
chrishammond: Pre Shuttle Launch
chrishammond: Tacoma on the Water
chrishammond: Tacoma on the Water
chrishammond: Fore!!!!
chrishammond: IMG_2129
chrishammond: Setup for the STS-130 launch (1st scrub)
chrishammond: Setup for the STS-130 launch (1st scrub)
chrishammond: Oh hell yeah #sts130
chrishammond: Playing with camera #sts130
chrishammond: At the visitors center #sts130
chrishammond: Beacon 42 perhaps? #sts130
chrishammond: Bee hives in wildlife refuge
chrishammond: From a dock in titusville #sts130