ChalkbeatNY: Charter school supporters
ChalkbeatNY: United Federation of Teachers officials
ChalkbeatNY: New York City Council Member Simcha Felder
ChalkbeatNY: New York City Council Member Simcha Felder
ChalkbeatNY: United Federation of Teachers officials
ChalkbeatNY: A card passed out by the city teachers' union
ChalkbeatNY: A card passed out by the city teachers' union
ChalkbeatNY: A card passed out by the city teachers' union
ChalkbeatNY: A card passed out by the city teachers' union
ChalkbeatNY: A card passed out by the city teachers' union
ChalkbeatNY: City Council member Simcha Felder holding up a pre-written card from the United Federation of Teachers
ChalkbeatNY: IMG_1419
ChalkbeatNY: Packed room for a City Council hearing on charter school oversight
ChalkbeatNY: Eva Moskowitz and Robert Jackson before the hearing began
ChalkbeatNY: Eva Moskowitz and Robert Jackson share a smile