chaletlaforet: Getting the windowboxes ready
chaletlaforet: Birdsfoot trefoil near the mazot
chaletlaforet: Purple Pyramidal Bugle in the chalet garden
chaletlaforet: Violets and dew in the chalet garden
chaletlaforet: Purple Pyramidal Bugle flowers in the chalet garden
chaletlaforet: Forgetmenot
chaletlaforet: Violet in the chalet garden
chaletlaforet: Unknown yellow flower
chaletlaforet: Chamonix - Alpine flowers
chaletlaforet: Flowers at the Buvette des Mottets, Chamonix
chaletlaforet: Flowers on the way to the hut
chaletlaforet: Flowers at the Buvette des Mottets, Chamonix
chaletlaforet: Mazot and flowers
chaletlaforet: Pink Alpine Flower
chaletlaforet: Orchids at Le Tour
chaletlaforet: Meadow at Bionassay, Les Houches