3Bluejays: Pygmy Nuthatch
marinagermain78: Balbuzard pêcheur - Osprey DSC7443-Mod.jpg
Chri-stian: Lineated Woodpecker
beluga 7: Face a la lumiere , facing the light
Laval Roy: 1.03494 Vanneau indien / Vanellus indicus lankae / Red-wattled Lapwing
Ron Buening: Interested Titmouse
Ted Smith 574: Today has been a Woodcock and Water Rail day. The former found in seconds with the thermal imager 😊
GrahamParryWildlife: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba) . Out Hunting . Dungeness RSPB
skassam: Blue Jay in snow
anacm.silva: Blue Pitta - female
lime1957: Rufous Motmot
Jean-Pierre Robbens: Where are the berries.
marinagermain78: Canard d’Amérique - American Wigeon DSC5692-Mod.jpg
Engilis Photos: Northern Pintail - Anas acuta
Daniel Parent: Black & White Warbler
Charlaine Jean: L’hypnotisante chouette rayée
Dave_Lawrence: Feeding behavior of Lewis's Woodpecker---Melanerpes lewis:
creaturesnapper: Golden-naped Tanager --- Chalcothraupis ruficervix
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): White-throated Sparrow 1_17_23
Daniel.Dupont: Mésange à tête noire--Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile artricapillus)
marcel milliard: cardinal a poitrine rose
skassam: Boreal Owl
sErGiO Ornitho, Mais pas que...: Pinson des arbres (Fringilla coelebs)
John Hallam Images: Three Common Waxbills with Reflection - Zimanga SB33
Laval Roy: 1.31045 Gros-bec errant (femelle) / Coccothraustes vespertinus vespertinus / Evening Grosbeak
Patrick Blondel: Bergeronnette grise - Motacilla alba - Wite wagtail
anacm.silva: Silver-breasted Broadbill
lachance.germain: Troglodyte de la Caroline / Carolina Wren
alainfrere34: Cisticole des joncs. Cisticola juncidis - Zitting Cisticola