chailey: Starting the project – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Backboard drilled and backing glued – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Cutting the spacers to length – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Test fitting the spacers into the frame – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Hot-glued the spacers into the frame – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Wall fragment glued onto backing – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Backing attached using black insulating tape – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Framed and captioned – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Using my plumb bob to figure out where to drill the hole – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Finished and ready to hang – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: In place beside the font door – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Adding newly-found pieces – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Now with the newly-found pieces glued in place – Berlin Wall Art
chailey: Back up on the wall, including the newly-found pieces – Berlin Wall Art