chailey: Mugs, #TGJOM
chailey: Badges, #TGJOM
chailey: Breakfast, #TGJOM
chailey: Wicked, #TGJOM
chailey: Ernest, Mum, and David, Wicked, #TGJOM
chailey: Mum, David, and me, inside Wicked, #TGJOM
chailey: Ernest and me, inside Wicked, #TGJOM
chailey: Inside Wicked, Victoria Apollo Theatre panorama, #TGJOM
chailey: David, Ernest, Mum, and me, inside Wicked, #TGJOM
chailey: Outside Wicked in the rain, #TGJOM
chailey: Tate Modern, #TGJOM
chailey: View from our table at the Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: View from our table at the Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: David and Mum, Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: My starter, Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: My main, Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: Me and Ernest, Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: My pudding, Tate Modern restaurant, #TGJOM
chailey: Tate Modern, #TGJOM
chailey: Ernest on the Millennium Bridge, #TGJOM
chailey: Mum and David on the Millennium Bridge, #TGJOM
chailey: Tate Modern restaurant lit up on top, #TGJOM
chailey: View down river from the Millennium Bridge, #TGJOM
chailey: David And Ernest walking towards St Paul's, #TGJOM
chailey: Ernest and me and St Paul's, reflected, #TGJOM
chailey: Me in Timber Lodge, Olympic Park, #TGJOM
chailey: Signs of Spring, Olympic Park, #TGJOM
chailey: Mum with the Olympic rings, Olympic Park, #TGJOM
chailey: Icona Point, catching the sun across the Olympic Park, #TGJOM
chailey: Far side of the Aquatic Centre, Olympic Park, #TGJOM