chailey: The approach to the bridge from Riverside
chailey: The curves of the bridge towards Chesterton
chailey: Bridge and jogger
chailey: Detailing of the barriers, like a ship
chailey: The split spans
chailey: Evening shadows on the cycle span
chailey: Evening shadows on the pedestrian span
chailey: Over the bridge towards Riverside and the Cambridge Museum of Technology chimney
chailey: Cycle and Pedestrian signs on the bridge deck
chailey: Looking towards Riverside and the Cambridge Museum of Technology chimney
chailey: The curves of the bridge
chailey: Rowers pass under the split spans
chailey: Cambridge Museum of Technology chimney and one of the spikes on the Chesterton approach
chailey: Bridge support covered in green muck
chailey: Bridge support covered in green muck
chailey: Commemorative mug from the official opening, June 2008