chailey: Laying out the curtains and rufflet as we began
chailey: Measuring carefully the amount we want to cut off (6.5")
chailey: Me about to make the first cut with pinking shears
chailey: Ready to fold the cut edge under the rufflet tape
chailey: Sewing the curtains
chailey: Sewing the curtains – 3 hands!
chailey: The finished curtains
chailey: Like watching paint dry. Literally.
chailey: Test assemblage of the curtain track and its brackets
chailey: Attached batten to the ceiling
chailey: Ernest putting up the curtains, hook by hook
chailey: The new curtains in place, and drawn to one side.
chailey: Piles of Primark "Extra Wide, Long Length" curtains
chailey: Calculations for how much we need to cut off the curtains
chailey: Yards and yards of rufflet tape pinned 8" down from the top
chailey: Seamstress at work sewing rufflet onto the curtains
chailey: A bag of curtains
chailey: Very long batten for the living room, Curtain Project II, Stratford
chailey: Rasping the batten for the living room, Curtain Project II, Stratford
chailey: Like watching paint dry. Literally. Curtain Project II, Stratford
chailey: 5.1m of batten with curtain-track brackets erected, Curtain Project II
chailey: The Olympic End of the living room curtains, by day, Curtain Project II
chailey: The High Street End of the living room curtains, by day, Curtain Project II
chailey: The living room curtains, by night, Curtain Project II