Chad Baxter:
Pleiades... And a Bottle Rocket?! Manteno, Illinois.
Chad Baxter:
Chad Baxter:
Chad Baxter:
An Evening Testament
Chad Baxter:
Closer Than You Think
Chad Baxter:
Late Night Walk
Chad Baxter:
Sleepy Notes
Chad Baxter:
Zelda - December 2018
Chad Baxter:
December 18' Sky
Chad Baxter:
Chad Baxter:
Chad Baxter:
My snap of Comet NEOWISE - And some sweet impostors (fireflies, that is)...
Chad Baxter:
An Evening In The Great Smoky Mountains - Tennessee - October 2020
Chad Baxter:
Freedom Delayed
Chad Baxter:
Lines & Colors - Anna, Illinois - October 2022
Chad Baxter:
Retro - Door Glass Patterns and Light