chad_brown: center stalk
chad_brown: detail of center stalk with clusters
chad_brown: young agave and stem
chad_brown: young agave
chad_brown: detail of young agave
chad_brown: detail of young agave
chad_brown: detail of young agave
chad_brown: detailed young agave 2
chad_brown: detailed center stem
chad_brown: young agave
chad_brown: daytime light center stalk
chad_brown: wide installation shot
chad_brown: wide installation shot
chad_brown: wide installation shot
chad_brown: wide installation shot
chad_brown: center stalk
chad_brown: wide installation shot
chad_brown: under construction
chad_brown: under construction
chad_brown: stem cluster
chad_brown: Steam box and stem
chad_brown: Center of the stem and inner layers of the young agaves
chad_brown: inner layers of young agaves
chad_brown: inner layers of young agaves
chad_brown: center of young plant pattern
chad_brown: stem bud
chad_brown: young agave and stem
chad_brown: young plant study agave 2
chad_brown: young plant pattern study
chad_brown: young plant study agave