Chad Anderson: piping plover
Chad Anderson: Key Deer
Chad Anderson: Procyon lotor 2
Chad Anderson: Will My Children's Children See a Scrub Jay?
Chad Anderson: Great Blue Heron posing in the falling light by Chad Anderson
Chad Anderson: Bartram's Hairstreak on Pineland Croton
Chad Anderson: Florida is Heaven in the Morning
Chad Anderson: cape may warbler
Chad Anderson: Smash and Grab
Chad Anderson: Moment of Sucess
Chad Anderson: Eye-to-eye with a Plover
Chad Anderson: Black-necked Stilt
Chad Anderson: Reddish Egret in the crosswind
Chad Anderson: snowy crop
Chad Anderson: Reddish Egret Portrait
Chad Anderson: reddish egret in all its glory
Chad Anderson: Brown Noddy in Sea Lavender
Chad Anderson: Away into the sunset
Chad Anderson: Sherman's Fox Squirrel
Chad Anderson: Blue on Black
Chad Anderson: Bringing Home the Bacon (or fish)
Chad Anderson: On the Prowl
Chad Anderson: Wildlife photography takes patience
Chad Anderson: A Queen in the Meadow
Chad Anderson: Defiant till the End
Chad Anderson: godwit call
Chad Anderson: Clouded Leopard
Chad Anderson: zebra longwing