BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: The Bandmaster
BeerNotBombs: Noting the wires
BeerNotBombs: Unspeakered
BeerNotBombs: More screws inside
BeerNotBombs: Removing the front panel
BeerNotBombs: The trim
BeerNotBombs: A new back
BeerNotBombs: Template
BeerNotBombs: Taking the speaker input with me
BeerNotBombs: Drilling a hole for the input
BeerNotBombs: Taking off the logo
BeerNotBombs: Taking out the trim staples
BeerNotBombs: Removing the trim
BeerNotBombs: It's all staples
BeerNotBombs: Prying
BeerNotBombs: Unstapled
BeerNotBombs: Strip tease
BeerNotBombs: New speakers
BeerNotBombs: Pulling the cloth back on
BeerNotBombs: Stapling it back together
BeerNotBombs: Stapling