srchedlund: Klapperstensfält /Cobblestones field
srchedlund: Skuleskogen / Klapperstensfält / cobblestone field
srchedlund: ...fynd vid stigen
srchedlund: ...rötter /...worn and well-trodden tree roots at the trail
srchedlund: ...myren /...the mire
srchedlund: Slåttdalsskrevan / the Slåttdals crevice
srchedlund: ...uppe vid skrevan ...och under stenen !
srchedlund: Slåttdalsberget utsikt / ...view from the top of Slåttdals mountain
srchedlund: ...vy mot havet / ...view of the Baltic Sea
srchedlund: Skuleskogen hällan_