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Climate Food and Farming Network kick-off workshop
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CLIFF students tour the lab facilities at Aarhus University at the 2013/2014 kick-off workshop
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CLIFF students tour the lab facilities at Aarhus University at the 2013/2014 workshop
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CLIFF student Vu Duong Quynh takes greenhouse gas measurements from a rice paddy in Vietnam
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Grant recipients at the 2012/2013 CLIFF workshop
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CLIFF student Marcia de Melo Carvalho is investigating the impact of wood-biochar on N-N2O fluxes in aerobic rice systems in Nova Xavantina, MT, Brazil. Photo: Laissa Gabriele Vieira Gonçalves
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CLIFF student Bernardo del Campo investigates the potential of biochar to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and increase agricultural productivity in Nicaragua
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CLIFF student Bernardo del Campo investigates the potential of biochar to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and increase agricultural productivity in Nicaragua
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CLIFF student Bernardo del Campo investigates the potential of biochar to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and increase agricultural productivity in Nicaragua
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CLIFF student Cristina Arias-Navarro next to the SAMPLES mobile greenhouse gas laboratory at the Nyando site in Kenya
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CLIFF grant recipients at the 2013/2014 workshop at Aarhus University Foulum, Denmark
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CLIFF students Zipporah Musyimi and Brijesh Kumar at the 2013/2014 kick-off workshop at Aarhus University Foulum, Denmark
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Andreas de Neergaard, Professor at the University of Copenhagen and co-founder of the CLIFF Network