CGDP: Libellule dans le jardin
CGDP: Le voleur de cerise / The cherry thief
CGDP: Architecture Singapourienne
CGDP: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay & Marina Bay Sands
CGDP: Laveur de vitre de skyline / skyline window cleaner
CGDP: Architecture Singapourienne
CGDP: Un mélange d'architecture / a mix of architecture
CGDP: Reflet urbain / urban reflection
CGDP: skyline at BAYFRONT and at the central Business District
CGDP: Architecture Singapourienne
CGDP: Architecture Singapourienne
CGDP: Singapore River Cruise
CGDP: Le coq BANKIVA / The BANKIVA Rooster