Chris Campbell: Podcamp Halifax 09 Logo on Sign
Chris Campbell: Joel Kelly starts his "Unfriending" session
Chris Campbell: Harold Jarche & John Gunn's session on "Grassroots Community Building"
Chris Campbell: Duane Forrester's Session on "How to Make Money from Your Blog"
Chris Campbell: "The Hub" Session with Sera Thompson & Tracy Boyer
Chris Campbell: Support Material for My Session "Small, Specific, and Real"
Chris Campbell: Post-it Index Cards
Chris Campbell: The Crowd for Andrew Baron's Keynote
Chris Campbell: Craig Moore Takes a Picture of the Audience
Chris Campbell: Andrew Baron Through Tripod Legs
Chris Campbell: Andrew Baron Seen Through Tripod
Chris Campbell: Ryan Deschamps Introduces Connie Crosby & Eden Spodek
Chris Campbell: My Car in the Parking Lot at the End of the Day