Chris Campbell: Front of Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Chris Campbell: Hallway
Chris Campbell: Outside the Film Coop
Chris Campbell: Sign Outside the NB Filmakers' Co-op
Chris Campbell: N.B. Filmmakers' Co-op Sign
Chris Campbell: Line of Film Cans
Chris Campbell: Box With Books
Chris Campbell: Library of Tapes and DVDs
Chris Campbell: Wall of Resources
Chris Campbell: Rack in Pro Tools Suite
Chris Campbell: Newly-configured Pro Tools Suite
Chris Campbell: Patch Cables
Chris Campbell: Shelves Full of Equipment
Chris Campbell: Cases on Shelf
Chris Campbell: Minidisc and Nagra on Shelf
Chris Campbell: Lighting Kit in Case
Chris Campbell: Shelves of Betacam Tapes
Chris Campbell: Media 100 Editing Suite
Chris Campbell: Patch Bay in Edit Suite
Chris Campbell: Closer to the Patch Bay
Chris Campbell: Disconnected Cables
Chris Campbell: Connectors
Chris Campbell: Shelves of Tapes
Chris Campbell: iMac Workstation
Chris Campbell: iMac DV and LCIII
Chris Campbell: IBM Selectric Keyboard
Chris Campbell: IBM Selectric Typewriter
Chris Campbell: Facing Screen in the Auditorium
Chris Campbell: Velcro Strip on Wall