FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Bumblebee at work on a Cosmos bipinnatus/ Bourdon oeuvrant sur une Cosmos
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Hibiscus Floret Saved from the flood...
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Day Lily / Hémérocalle / Hemerocallis
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: La collecte du pollen / Pollen harvest
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Piéride de la rave - Small White - Pieris rapae
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Monarch Deconstruction
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Fleur de ciboulette / Chive flower / Allium
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Ground Cherry / Alkékenge / Physalis alkekengi
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Fabulous Faux-fabergé
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Macro Focus shifting
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Bourdon / Bumblebee / Bombus
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Daisy / Marguerite / Leucanthemum vulgare
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Mante religieuse / Praying Mantis / Mantis religiosa
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Coliade du trèfle / Common sulphur / Colias philodice
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Painted-Lady / Vanesse du chardon / Vanessa cardui
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Mante religieuse / Praying Mantis / Mantis religiosa
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Painted-Lady / Vanesse du chardon / Vanessa cardui
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: La belle et la bête...
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Monarch Butterfly / Monarque / Danaus plexipus
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Bleu commun (ou Azuré commun) / Common Blue / Polyommatus icarus)
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Papillon Vulcain / Red-Admiral Butterfly / Vanessa Atalanta
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: “Names are not important. We can change the name of a flower, but it will never change how good that flower smells.”
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Black Swallowtail / Papillon du céleri / Papilio polyxenes asterias
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Bleu commun (ou Azuré commun) / Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Abeille halicte / Green Sweat Bee / Agapostemon splendens
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Common Ringlet / Satyre fauve / Coenonympha tullia inornata
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Bald-faced Hornet / Guêpe à tache blanche / Dolichosvespula maculata
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Snail / Escargot / Helix pomatia
FRITSCHI PHOTOGRAPHY: Great Mormon / Grand mormon / Papilio memnon