callie_england: Um, this makes needle-pointing an extreme sport.
callie_england: amazing, I want to rope light everything now.
callie_england: beautiful.
callie_england: Cold, damp, and drinking beer.
callie_england: The people you run into...
callie_england: my heaven.
callie_england: Lovely light church... no dark here.
callie_england: Embarking on a hike to the castle.
callie_england: nun on a motorcycle.
callie_england: the hike to the top
callie_england: looking back at what I had just climbed
callie_england: I'm so lucky.
callie_england: snow day.
callie_england: rain + snow
callie_england: Best baby icon every.
callie_england: Lovely sign design
callie_england: cutest german couple ever.
callie_england: I want her skirt :)
callie_england: salzburg
callie_england: what's up with this icon?
callie_england: I laughed pretty hard over these outfits
callie_england: salzburg
callie_england: salzburg
callie_england: salzburg
callie_england: lovely trees
callie_england: in love with cafes