cfculhane: Lake Paron 1
cfculhane: Lake Paron 2
cfculhane: Llanganuco 1
cfculhane: Llanganuco 3
cfculhane: Llanganuco 4
cfculhane: Llanganuco 4
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 1
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 2
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 3
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 4
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 5
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 6
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 7
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 8
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 9
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 10
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 11
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 12
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 13
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 14
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 15
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 16
cfculhane: Pastoruri Glacier 17
cfculhane: Peruvian Altiplano
cfculhane: On the way to Ayacucho
cfculhane: Squeezing a big bike into tight spaces