cetp: Black currasow
cetp: Male Cock of the Rock
cetp: Forest anole
cetp: Gecko eating crane-fly
cetp: Leaf-Litter Frog
cetp: Anilius scytale (Aniliidae)
cetp: Tree Frog
cetp: Dipsas pavonina
cetp: Eleutherodactylus sp.
cetp: Pristimantis chiastonotus
cetp: Chiasmocleis shudikarensis
cetp: Poison-dart Frog (Dendrobates tinctorius)
cetp: Amereega hanheli
cetp: Atelopus franciscus
cetp: Leaf frog (Physalaemus petersii)
cetp: Young Ceratophrys cornuta
cetp: Flatworm
cetp: Land snail
cetp: Landsnail
cetp: Land snail
cetp: A larger landsnail
cetp: Unidentified turtle 2
cetp: Unidentified turtle
cetp: Unidentified turtle 3
cetp: Dendrabates tinctorius
cetp: Tree shrew
cetp: Ploiarum alternifolium (Bonnetiaceae) fruit
cetp: Sterculia megistophylla fruit
cetp: Caecilian
cetp: Pipa pipa