cestrius: 2012010646
cestrius: 2012010645
cestrius: 405682_10150534310383819_87683698818_8681989_983422497_n
cestrius: 2012010647
cestrius: 2012010649
cestrius: 2012010648
cestrius: 2012010650
cestrius: 2012010651
cestrius: Taylor_Lautner005
cestrius: 2012010652
cestrius: 2012010655
cestrius: 2012010653
cestrius: 2012010654
cestrius: Levi's® WaterLess™ Launch (wet jeans)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Pool Celebration (in shirt and tie)
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: 2012010659
cestrius: 2012010660
cestrius: 2012010661
cestrius: 2012010662