cestrius: 2011060304
cestrius: 2011060305
cestrius: 2011060400
cestrius: 2011060401
cestrius: Relaxing in the pool in full suit and tie
cestrius: Fully Clothed Underwater in shirt and slacks
cestrius: In the Pool in suit and tie
cestrius: In the Pool Clothed
cestrius: Wearing a long sleeved dress shirt in the lake
cestrius: Wet and Underwater
cestrius: Wet and Underwater
cestrius: Wet and Underwater
cestrius: Wet and Underwater
cestrius: Wet and Underwater
cestrius: Dress Shirt in the Water
cestrius: Dress Shirt in the Water
cestrius: Dress Shirt in the Water
cestrius: Dress Shirt in the Water
cestrius: Dress Shirt in the Water
cestrius: Relaxing in the ocean fully clothed
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Wet in White
cestrius: Fully Clothed while in the water
cestrius: Fully Clothed while under the water
cestrius: Fully Clothed while in the water
cestrius: Fully Clothed while under the water
cestrius: Fully Clothed while in the water
cestrius: 2011060502
cestrius: 2011060503
cestrius: 2011060504