franCESCAgreco74: Mr & Mrs #handmade #fabricdoll #vintagedoll #couple #love #allages #vintagecolors #mrandmrs #giftideas
franCESCAgreco74: Foxie the fox!
franCESCAgreco74: Fox the fox
franCESCAgreco74: Toothy and Grey Toothy, my smaller stuffed vampires!
franCESCAgreco74: Toothy and Grey Toothy, my smaller stuffed vampires!
franCESCAgreco74: Toothy and Grey Toothy, my smaller stuffed vampires!
franCESCAgreco74: Toothy and Grey Toothy, my smaller stuffed vampires!
franCESCAgreco74: stuffed russian muses
franCESCAgreco74: stuffed russian mouses
franCESCAgreco74: Il pesce e' servito!!