César Albarrán Torres: it's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine
César Albarrán Torres: Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
César Albarrán Torres: Tasmanian Tom Waits, Hobart
César Albarrán Torres: Neuromancer, Hobart
César Albarrán Torres: in the end, everything is a gag
César Albarrán Torres: ghosts/recoleta
César Albarrán Torres: buenos aires hora cero
César Albarrán Torres: ufo @ big bang
César Albarrán Torres: 16:9 turn / after guy maddin
César Albarrán Torres: 16:9 a pyromaniac in a petrified forest
César Albarrán Torres: sleeping beauty, beheaded
César Albarrán Torres: .darkness at the break of noon shadows even the silver spoon
César Albarrán Torres: Long live the most puissant Emperor of Lilliput!
César Albarrán Torres: .shark/tiburón
César Albarrán Torres: the wild palms
César Albarrán Torres: there is something rotten in denmark
César Albarrán Torres: .golden mountain
César Albarrán Torres: floral porn series: 1
César Albarrán Torres: floral porn series: 2