mfoley25: Then ......
mfoley25: ...... and Now
mfoley25: Tommy
mfoley25: Sean
mfoley25: Cesar's Eye #1
mfoley25: Cesar in black and white
mfoley25: Stephanie and Cesar
mfoley25: Oceanside Beach
mfoley25: Oceanside Beach
mfoley25: Surfer at Oceanside Beach
mfoley25: Buddha
mfoley25: Shiva
mfoley25: The oldest house in Santa Fe, NM (in black & white)
mfoley25: Leading somewhere - or leading nowhere?
mfoley25: Antique Egg Cup
mfoley25: Sleepy Time
mfoley25: Old Windchimes in sepia
mfoley25: Old Planter in sepia
mfoley25: Old Accordion
mfoley25: Pookie in sepia
mfoley25: coffee grinder
mfoley25: Guitar
mfoley25: Guitar
mfoley25: Pookie in black & white
mfoley25: 96/365 04-06-09
mfoley25: like father.........
mfoley25: ..... like son
mfoley25: Rakes and Shovels
mfoley25: Halters
mfoley25: Wind Chime