scott_clark: Canada Warbler with Mayfly
scott_clark: Brown Thrasher
scott_clark: Gray Catbird
scott_clark: Yellow Warbler, Actually Visible
scott_clark: Yellow Warbler
scott_clark: Bufflehead on the Beach
scott_clark: Osprey
scott_clark: Eastern Wood-pewee
scott_clark: Female Summer Tanager
scott_clark: Swainson's Thrush
scott_clark: Cedar Waxwings
scott_clark: You Rang?
scott_clark: Yellow Warber
scott_clark: Great Blue Heron
scott_clark: Osprey Landing
scott_clark: Skulking and Singing
scott_clark: Mourning Warbler
scott_clark: Eastern Towhee
scott_clark: Female Scarlet Tanager
scott_clark: Solitary Sandpiper
scott_clark: Brown Creeper
scott_clark: Chestnut-sided Warbler
scott_clark: Mourning Warbler
scott_clark: Royal Terns
scott_clark: Outbound Red-winged Blackbird
scott_clark: Kinglet Silhouette
scott_clark: Short-eared Owl
scott_clark: Mallards in Cold Water
scott_clark: White-throated Sparrow
scott_clark: Song Sparrow