scott_clark: Florida Red-belly (we think)
scott_clark: garter snake on refuge boardwalk
scott_clark: live oak and palmetto scrub
scott_clark: grass flats
scott_clark: live-oak woods
scott_clark: big lizard
scott_clark: small lizard
scott_clark: we dunno
scott_clark: Black Point road
scott_clark: from the "wildlife drive" (not like a cattle drive)
scott_clark: tidal marsh
scott_clark: IMG_4544
scott_clark: tidal flats and observation blind
scott_clark: tricolored heron, mascot of the refuge (apparently...)
scott_clark: refuge road
scott_clark: restored salt marsh in background
scott_clark: low tide and critter tracks
scott_clark: more old Florida
scott_clark: IMG_4595
scott_clark: flats and scrub
scott_clark: checking us out
scott_clark: leave the dang scrub jays alone
scott_clark: disappearing armadillo
scott_clark: marsh view
scott_clark: plaid vs plaid
scott_clark: dune-top scrub behind the beach
scott_clark: ocean beach view
scott_clark: world's most cooperative snipe
scott_clark: epiphytespotting
scott_clark: oak & palm hammock