The Jaundiced Eye:
Puma has no problems with the new imac box.
The Jaundiced Eye:
Even the styrofoam is compelling
The Jaundiced Eye:
mysterious Aluminum board with Chiclets
The Jaundiced Eye:
Look how cute it is. They strapped it down, like its one of those Crawford children.
The Jaundiced Eye:
Lovely toy surprises
The Jaundiced Eye:
G4 is uncertain how to behave, as this is obviously a new computer.
The Jaundiced Eye:
Big and sexy, even with the factory saran wrap still in place
The Jaundiced Eye:
Unpeeled and shiny, it is time to do the brain dump.
The Jaundiced Eye:
G4 is Zombified and taken over by the Enormous metal iMac.
The Jaundiced Eye:
G4 is aware of what is happening but is unable to prevent it. Like Nicole Kidman in that movie, G4 knows that the body snatchers are real.
The Jaundiced Eye:
Mon Dieu!! What is to become of poor G4, now that the iron beast has replaced its domed splendor on the desktop?
The Jaundiced Eye:
Don't worry G4! Once we have scooped your brains into the iRon beast we'll ship you to Jesusland Georgia to be with Chris's sister!!