The Jaundiced Eye: Our ship "Brilliance of the Sea"
The Jaundiced Eye: Our Cruise. It's big!
The Jaundiced Eye: Risking being catapulted over the side, Chris rises to the occasion for yet another photo op.
The Jaundiced Eye: Boat to Mykonos from Cruise
The Jaundiced Eye: Our Stateroom
The Jaundiced Eye: Elevators in Centrum
The Jaundiced Eye: IMG_1565.JPG
The Jaundiced Eye: Len's Blue Hawaiian
The Jaundiced Eye: Chris and Len at the theatre
The Jaundiced Eye: Coffee Kvetch
The Jaundiced Eye: Mykonos view from Cruise
The Jaundiced Eye: Scott, our new cruise friend
The Jaundiced Eye: Len and Chris
The Jaundiced Eye: Brillance at night
The Jaundiced Eye: Colorful hot tubs
The Jaundiced Eye: Pool at night
The Jaundiced Eye: By the pool
The Jaundiced Eye: Happy Hour
The Jaundiced Eye: Happy Hour at the pool
The Jaundiced Eye: Chris relaxing on the cruise
The Jaundiced Eye: Len and Chris at the Aegean Sea
The Jaundiced Eye: Debbie Reynolds
The Jaundiced Eye: Debbie Reynolds
The Jaundiced Eye: Debbie Reynolds
The Jaundiced Eye: Debbie Reynolds
The Jaundiced Eye: Debbie Spoofing Zsa Zsa
The Jaundiced Eye: Len and cruise people
The Jaundiced Eye: Chris and cruise people
The Jaundiced Eye: Dinning room