gizzle: not too shabby
gizzle: the view from our humble abode
gizzle: our humble abode
gizzle: FEM class (- some characters)
gizzle: a night's festivities
gizzle: geeky shadows
gizzle: cheers
gizzle: team FEM
gizzle: the opener
gizzle: best facial expressions ever
gizzle: some kind of multi-armed godess
gizzle: awesome!
gizzle: post-shadow fun
gizzle: Kate's field of dreams
gizzle: Laura in profile
gizzle: schoolhouse
gizzle: little church
gizzle: lunchtime
gizzle: the sawdust man
gizzle: sooo nerdy
gizzle: right before food
gizzle: donkey sniff
gizzle: Kate & donkey having a moment
gizzle: I love donkeys
gizzle: creepy old barn door
gizzle: beaver man I
gizzle: beaver man II
gizzle: great face Kate!
gizzle: parallelism
gizzle: Rodrigo frame 1