gizzle: Kate, Cecile, Ami (kitchen crew)
gizzle: Metodi & Michael
gizzle: Fajitas (said like Pedro)
gizzle: Metodi & Rob
gizzle: Stephan & Angela
gizzle: Stephan is a good goof
gizzle: FEMMEG party crew
gizzle: Ludmilla is really shiny...
gizzle: sometimes I look like a muppet
gizzle: millions of Pedros
gizzle: Pedros
gizzle: FORST party
gizzle: tada
gizzle: also Pedro
gizzle: Pedors enjoying fajitas
gizzle: Pedros enjoying tequila
gizzle: Pedros enjoying tequila 2
gizzle: Pedros enjoying tequila 3
gizzle: the transfor connection
gizzle: dancing
gizzle: dance party
gizzle: Cecile being hilarious